Sharing a pinboard
After you’ve created a pinboard, it is possible to share this pinboard with others or embed it to a web page.
Create a pinboard link
Select PINBOADRS in the menu on the left and select your pinboard from the dropdown list if not already displayed.
Click on SHARE
Click on CREATE SHARED LINK in the SHARE PINBOARD window to generate the link.
Click on the copy symbol () behind the link to copy it to the clipboard or the link symbol () to open a preview of the pinboard as other members will see it.
Click on the tab Embed above the link to display an embedded link.
Click on the copy symbol () behind the link to copy it to the clipboard. This link can be embedded into the source code of a web page.
Disable a pinboard link
Select PINBOADRS in the menu on the left and select your pinboard from the dropdown list if not already displayed.
Click on SHARE
Click on DISABLE LINK to deactivate the link again. The previously created link is disabled and the pinboard cannot be viewed by others anymore.