Pre-configured application - Modbus configuration

The Modbus configuration of the pre-configured application consists of the configuration of the Modbus device and two data points, one data point for temperature and one for humidity.

The parameters of the serial interface of the sensor are: Baud rate 9600, 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. The temperature is provided in register 00 (Holding register, 16 bit, signed), the humidity in register 01 (Holding register, 16 bit, unsigned).

Menu Data pointsModbus

en app modbus

Configuration of the Modbus device

The parameters for the communication with the Modbus device are configured here. The polling interval defines the interval in which the Modbus Registers are being read out. In this case every 5 seconds.

en app modbus device

Configuration of the Modbus data points

A data point with the name specified in the description will be generated here from the content of the holding register 00 for the temperature value.

en app modbus dptemp

A data point with the name specified in the description will be generated here from the content of the holding register 01 for the humidity value.

en app modbus dphum