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Inserting values in messages and paths

Status information, event-dependent information as well as all parameters of the configuration can be inserted as variables in SMS and e-mail message text as well as the subject line of an e-mail message. Event-dependent information can only be used by the event that has triggered the message. It is also possible to include values into the path for the download list on an Auto Update server.

The value will be inserted as a CLI command using the expression $cli() in the text. Capitalisation will be considered here.

Message examples

Example for a message text that outputs the current system time of the router in a message:
The current system time is $cli(

Example for a message text that uses event-dependent information in a message to output user, time and location of a login:
The user $cli([username]) logged in at $cli(administration.time.time) on location $cli(administration.hostnames.location).
For this, the message must be triggered by an event Authentication attempt has been registered - succeeded within an action.

Example for a message text that uses nested event-dependent information in a message to output the event that occurred:
The event $cli(events.event_config.event[$cli([event_id])].description) has occurred.
Here, the ID of the requested event will be inserted in the request of the event description using the event-dependent information $cli([event_id]).

Path example

Example for using the serial number of the router to generate a device-spcific path on the Auto Update server:
In this case, the resulting path would be: /updates/12345678/list.txt (assumed the serial number is 12345678)

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