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Events are changes of conditions in or at the router that can be used to trigger an action upon their occurrrence.

The following events are available at the moment:

  • WAN chain state has changed: A WAN chain has changed its state to “online” or “offline”.
  • Interface state has changed: An interface has changed its state to “online” or “offline”.
  • Modem state has changed: A modem has changed its state to "online", "offline", "logged in" or "not logged in" (for LTE modems) or "sync reached" or "sync lost" (for DSL modems).
  • Signal strength of a modem has changed: The signal field strength has exceeded or fallen below a configured value.
  • Configuration has been changed: The configuration has been changed or activated.
  • Link of an Ethernet port has changed: The link state has changed to "UP" or "DOWN", i.e. an Ethernet cable has be plugged in or out or the connected device has been switched on or off.
  • Container state has changed: An active container has been "started" or "stopped".
  • System restarted: Both, a hardware reset (e.g. power failure) and a software reset (e.g. reset via web interface) are assessed as a restart.
  • Sleep mode has been ended: The sleep mode will be ended after the expiry of the configured length, a reset, a temporary loss of power supply or change of state at one of the inputs. This functionality depends on a certain hardware equipment and is not available for all routers.
  • Auto update succeeded
  • Power source has changed: The voltage applied to the terminals V+1 and V+2 is monitored. The terminal with the higher voltage supplies the device. The event will be triggered, if the higher voltage is now present at the other terminal.
  • Authentication event has been registered: Successful or failed login attempts at the web interface or CLI are detected.
  • Netfilter violation occurred: A netfilter violation occurs, if the IP filters (firewall) reject a packet.
  • Slot device has been restarted: This event will also be triggered with a restart of the router.
  • Digital input has changed: The level of a digital input is now "HIGH" or "LOW" or the configured pulse sequence has been counted. The level must be present for at least one second to be detected. A pulse of a pulse sequence must be present for at least 100 ms. A pulse sequence (1-99 pulses) will be closed if the level does not change any more for more than 2 seconds.
  • Analogue input has changed: The level of an analogue input has now "exceeded" or "underrun" the configured value.
  • Timer expired: A fix set time has been reached, a countdown has expired or an interval has expired.
  • Counter reached end value: A counter has reached its configured end value.
  • Serial Ethernet state has changed: The TCP connection state of a serial Ethernet gateway has changed to "connected" or "disconnected".
  • SMS has been received: Optionally, a sender phone number and/or SMS text can be specified to determine whether the incoming SMS is considered as an event.
  • MCIP telegram has been received: Optionally, a sender OID and/or telegram content can be specified to determine whether the incoming MCIP telegram is considered as an event.
  • WLAN (Wi-Fi) station state has changed: A WLAN (Wi-Fi) station has changed the state of their connection to an accdess point to "connected" oder "disconnected".
  • Status of an SFP ports has changed: An SFP module has been "inserted" into or "removed" from the respective port.
  • Client certificate obtained from EST server: An EST enrollment has made a new client certificate available on the router.
  • Network tool finished: The selected network tool call has returned the result successful or failed.

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