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Serial Ethernet gateway
The serial Ethernet gateway enables the addressing of serial end devices from the local network of the router or via the WAN interface, which are connected to the serial interface. The data which is sent to a configurable network port of the router is output at the serial interface. The connection to the serial Ethernet gateway can either be maintained permanently (leased line mode) or initiated on request.
Modem emulator
The serial Ethernet gateway can emulate a modem. It provides a series of AT commands for this. A modem will be emulated for each connection type with this function. If an outgoing connection has been activated by the command ATD or ATDT , the modem emulator will always be used, even if it is disabled. The following AT commands are supported:
AT command
| Description
ATD<IP>:<Port> ATD"<Domain>":<Port> ATDT<IP>:<Port> ATDT"<Domain>":<Port> |
Connection establishment to <IP>:<Port> or <Domain>:<Port> Following this, the serial Ethernet gateway is in data mode |
Redialling of the last dialled connection (only possible as long as the serial Ethernet gateway has not been restarted) |
The serial Ethernet gateway closes the serial Internet connection |
ATE<n> |
Configuring the echo behaviour ATE0 Echo disabled ATE1 Echo enabled (default) |
+++ |
Puts the serial Ethernet gateway into command mode (a pause of at least one second is necessary before and after the string) |
Change from command mode into data mode |
ATQ<n> |
Configuring the quiet behaviour ATQ0 Messages are sent (default) ATQ1 No messages are sent |
ATV<n> |
Configuring the message format ATV0 Messages in short format, i.e. only the error number ATV1 Messages in long format, i.e. the error text (default) |
Closes the connection |
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