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Timers are used to trigger an event time-controlled. Certain timers can also be started or stopped within an action (triggered by an event). A timer will only be started, if it assigned to an action as an event.
There are three different types of timers: Fix set time, interval and countdown.
Fix set time
A timer of the type fix set time expires periodically at the specified time. This type of timer allows to trigger periodical actions like a daily synchronisation of the clock or a daily logout/login from/to the cellular network for example.
Examples: Fix set time: 23:05, Repetition: daily - this timer triggers an event daily at 23:05 (11:05 pm) Fix set time: 23:05, Repetition: hourly - this timer triggers an event every hour at five minutes past the full hour (00:05, 01:05, 02:05, ...)
A timer of the type interval expires periodically after the specified interval and starts over again then. It will first be started with its configuration and with each restart of the router. This type of timer allows to trigger periodical actions like the dispatch of status messages.
Example: Interval: 5:15 - this timer triggers an event every 315 minutes (5*60+15)
A timer of the type countdown will be started within an action and expires after the specified interval. It can also be stopped before its expiry within an action. If the checkbox Restart timer on new event is checked, an already running timer will be started again by an event assigned to it, i.e. it will be reset and starts over again. If the checkbox is unchecked, the timer cannot be restarted again by an event before its expiry. If the checkbox Deactivate timer after first expiration is checked, the timer cannot be started again. The timer will be deactivated for this and cannot even be started by an event; in order to activate it again, the checkbox active of this timer must be checked again in the list of timers. This type of timer allows to realise sophisticated applications like cascading alarm messages or a time-delayed start of actions like a firmware update.
Example: Countdown: 0:07, Restart timer on new event: YES, Deactivate timer after first expiration: NO - this timer triggers an event after 7 minutes, will be restarted with each occurrence of an event assigned to it, and can be restarted by an event even after its expiry
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