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Profiles and Profile Handling

The configuration of the router is called profile. Several profiles can be stored on one device so that the configuration of a device can be changed quickly.

Term definitions

The following terms or conditions are to be distinguished for profiles:

  • running: the current configuration of the router which is used for operation at the moment
  • opened: the profile that is currently displayed in the web interface (or CLI or REST interface) for editing
  • last activated, changed: the last activated profile that differs from the running profile by subsequent changes
  • stored: one of several possible profiles that are stored on the router by the user

Simple applications do not require the use of more than one profile. However, the router allows many applications by using several profiles. From risk-free testing of modified configurations up to time- or event-triggered switching of different profiles, there are almost no limits for your application.

If the running profile differs from the opened profile, this will be indicated by the appearance of a blinking gear symbol  with the button Activate profile.

Following an intentional or unintentional (e.g. power supply interruption) restart of the router, the previously running profile will run again and the last activated profile will be opened again. If they differ, the button with the gear symbol  blinks again.

Working with one profile

If only one profile is used, the current (opened) profile can be configured in the web interface. Settings made in the opened profile are stored in this profile with a click on the Save settings button. They will not become effective in the running profile with this.

If the current profile has been modified, the blinking gear symbol  appears in the title bar. A click on the button with the blinking gear symbol  activates the opened profile, i.e. it becomes the running profile and the modifications of the router configuration become effective. The gear symbol will disappear.

Using several profiles

The versatile possible applications of the router suggest the use of several profiles. The following sections describe the profile handling.

Storing a profile

Settings made in the opened profile are stored in this profile with a click on the Save settings button. They will not become effective in the running profile with this. They become only effective if the opened profile is activated, i.e. made the running profile.

Activating a profile

A click on the button with the blinking gear symbol  in the title bar activates the opened profile, i.e. it becomes the running profile.

A stored profile can be activated in the Administration menu on the Profiles page by clicking the button with the gear symbol behind the respective profile.

If the router is still in default settings, a changed profile cannot be activated until an authentication has been configured.

Opening a profile for editing

A stored profile can be opened in the Administration menu on the Profiles page by clicking the button with the folder symbol behind the respective profile.

Applying an ASCII configuration

A stored ASCII configuration can be applied to the opened profile in the Administration menu on the Profiles page by clicking the button with the apply symbol behind the respective profile. This means that the opened profile will be modified by the ASCII configuration. The profile will not be activated automatically by this; this is only performed if the ASCII configuration file contains the command administration.profiles.activate.

Creating a profile

A new profile can be created from:

  • the running profile
  • stored profiles
  • the default settings

For this, you need to make the correspondent selection in the Administration menu on the Profiles page behind Create profile from. The new profile will be created with a click on the Create profile button and it appears in the list of profiles.

The profile can then be given a descriptive name. It must first be opened to edit it.

Exporting a profile

Profiles stored on the router can be exported to the computer, i.e. downloaded in the Administration menu on the Profiles page.

A click on the button for the binary file download behind the respective profile downloads the profile as an encrypted binary file. This is recommended to archive the profile or transmit it to another router, e.g. a backup device.

A click on the button for the ASCII file download behind the respective profile downloads the profile as an ASCII configuration file. This is recommended if the profile is to be edited manually on the computer. Since the ASCII configuration file is not encrypted, the user passwords will not be exported due to reasons of security. Therefore, it is IMPERATIVE that the password is entered manually in the ASCII configuration file in the following line before uploading the file to a router again. Otherwise, the router cannot be accessed anymore after activating the profile.
> administration.users.user[1].username=insys
> administration.users.user[1].password=*****

Importing a profile

Profile files in binary or ASCII format can be uploaded to the router in the Administration menu on the Profiles page.

You need to locate the respective file on the computer under Import profile or ASCII configuration file for this. The profile or ASCII configuration file will be uploaded with a click on the button Import profile and it appears in the respective list.

Deleting a profile

A stored profile can be deleted in the Administration menu on the Profiles page by clicking the button with the recycle bin symbol behind the respective profile.

Comparing two profiles

To show the differences between two profiles, it is possible to compare the default settings, the running profile and the stored profiles to each other.

For this, you need to select the two profiles to be compared in the Administration menu on the Profiles page under Compare profiles. The different settings of both profiles are displayed side by side when clicking the Compare profiles button.

Volatile and permanente profile mode

The router is in permanent profile mode in normal operation. All modifications are permanently saved and survive a restart.

In certain safety-critical applications, it is required that a router always starts up in a defined basic state after a restart and receives its specific configuration via an update server or router management. A volatile profile mode is available for such purposes. All changes to the configuration (including profiles and ASCII configuration files) will lost in this mode when the router is restarted; the router will restart in the state it was in when it was switched to volatile mode.

In order to be able to take over the configuration for the next restart that was generated in volatile mode for example, it can be saved to permanent mode. Different options are available for this purpose in volatile mode:

  • All Profiles and ASCII configurations can be taken over individually with a click on the button for saving to the permanent profile mode to this.
  • All profiles and ASCII configurations can be taken over together with a click on the Save all profiles & ASCII configurations to permanent button in the Profile mode section to the permanent mode.
  • The running profile can be taken over with a click on the Save running profile to permanent button in the Profile mode section to the permanent mode. If only the running profile (without the associated saved profile) is saved to permanent mode, a new profile must be created from the running profile after switching back to permanent mode, which will then contain the changes.

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