1. Preface

This guide describes the upgrade process of icom Router Management Server (On-Premises). It assumes that you have a working icom Router Management Server installation version 2024.06.0 that has been installed using the icom Router Management Server (On-Premises) Install Guide after June 2024. If you have installed icom Router Management Server (On-Premises) before December 2022, please contact our support hotline to schedule a migration because there have been breaking changes in the folder structure and naming in general.

2. Supported version

icom Router Management Server (On-Premises) Version 2024.07.0

3. Preparations

3.1. Backup PostgreSQL database

Backup your PostgreSQL database before you start the upgrade process. You can use the pg_dump command to create a backup of your database.

$ sudo -i -u postgres pg_dump -d insysicomroutermgmt -f /tmp/insysicomroutermgmt_backup.bin -Fc

Only if necessary, restore the database with the pg_restore command:

$ sudo -i -u postgres pg_restore -d insysicomroutermgmt /tmp/insysicomroutermgmt_backup.bin -Fc

3.2. Upgrade preparations

Stop the systemd service.

$ sudo systemctl stop insysicom-routermgmt

Backup the old binary.

$ sudo cp /opt/insysicom-routermgmt/bin/insysicom-routermgmt /opt/insysicom-routermgmt/bin/insysicom-routermgmt.old

Download the new version from the download link provided by our support team. Create a directory in your home and copy the installation zip file irm_linux_2024_07_0.zip into this directory.

$ mkdir dist
$ unzip irm_linux_2024_07_0.zip -d dist
$ ls -aFl dist
total 86292
drwxrwxr-x  2 user user     4096 Mar 13 08:32 ./
drwxr-xr-x 15 user user     4096 Mar 13 08:32 ../
-rw-r--r--  1 user user      137 Mar  1 14:11 README.txt
-rwxr-xr-x  1 user user 73330688 Mar  1 14:22 insysicom-routermgmt*

4. Upgrade process

4.1. Upgrade application server

Copy the new binary to the correct location.

$ sudo cp ./dist/insysicom-routermgmt /opt/insysicom-routermgmt/bin

Mark the new binary as executable if above ls command did not show the executable flag indicated by * behind the file name.

$ sudo chown insysicom-routermgmt:insysicom-routermgmt /opt/insysicom-routermgmt/bin/insysicom-routermgmt
$ sudo chmod +x /opt/insysicom-routermgmt/bin/insysicom-routermgmt

Set required environment variables and run the database migration. If you didn’t use the default database credentials from the installation guide or if your database is not running on the same host as the application server, please use the correct values from the configuration file located at /opt/insysicom-routermgmt/etc/insysicom-routermgmt.conf.

$ sudo -i -u insysicom-routermgmt
$ export BARRACUDA_DATABASE_ARGS="user=u4insysicomroutermgmt password=pw4insysicomroutermgmt dbname=insysicomroutermgmt host=localhost port=5432 sslmode=disable"
$ /opt/insysicom-routermgmt/bin/insysicom-routermgmt system upgrade
$ exit

Setup cronjob for fetching device information

$ sudo crontab -e

and add the following line to the end of the file:

30 4 * * * /opt/insysicom-routermgmt/bin/insysicom-routermgmt system fetchDeviceInfo;

4.2. Start application server

$ sudo systemctl start insysicom-routermgmt

5. Confirm upgrade

Visit the icom Router Management Server (On-Premises) web interface and check the version number in the system information menu or use curl to do so.

$ curl http://localhost:9203/api/admin/software-version
{"buildVersion":"2024.07.0","buildTime":"2024-05-16T21:26:48Z", ... }

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