INSYS routers with icom OS provide an integrated Linux environment that is able to virtualise own, independent systems using Linux containers (LXC).

The description in this Configuration Guide follows a configuration in the new user interface (web interface) available from icom OS 5.5. Update your router to the latest version of icom OS for the required functionality of the new user interface. The description of this configuration in the classic web interface is available in this Configuration Guide.


A container with a Debian Linux distribution is to be installed on an INSYS router. The container shall run in the local network (Local LAN) like an independent Linux PC.

You may proceed in a similar manner for the installation of other exemplary containers from INSYS icom. For information about your options for creating own containers, refer to our Edge Computing page. You can download sample containers and find more information about them on our Container page.


An INSYS router forms the central element of a network. The router will be configured via a PC in a separate configuration network (Config). The router has been configured using the startup wizard such that it is able to act as a WAN (Internet) gateway for a local network (Local LAN). Several system components are located in this local network including a PC. Now, a Linux container (LCX) will be created in the router that runs a Debian Linux distribution. This container shall act like an independent computer in the local network, be accessible and have access to the WAN.

cg lxc container

Router configuration

It is recommended to commission the router as suggested in the Quick Installation Guide. Different settings of the router may result in necessary adjustments of the settings described in the following.

It is prerequisite that you have access to the user interface of the router and the container file is stored on your computer.

  1. Open the Container page and download the Debian container to your computer.

  2. Open the user interface of the router in a browser: https://insys.icom [1]

  3. Click in the package variant closed ContainerContainer menu on file upload and upload above downloaded container to the router.
    en m3 install lxc container v2 01

  4. Click on   SUBMIT  .

  5. Click in the package variant closed ContainerContainer menu in the Container section in the row of the Debian container on package variant closed cog and configure the container:

    • Licence: in case a licence is necessary for the container, you may select it here

    • User group for CLI without authentication: Read/Write (for access to the CLI of the router from the container)

    • Bridge to IP Network: net2

    • IPv4 address / Netmask:: [2]

    • Ipv4 gateway: [3]
      en m3 install lxc container v2 02

  6. Click on   SUBMIT  .

  7. Click on   ACTIVATE PROFILE  cog white  .

You have crated the Debian container with this.

Container configuration

For the configuration of the application in the container, it is necessary to change to a computer that is in the same local network as the container (not in the configuration network any more). The container is active and accessible directly after configuration and activation of the profile.

A terminal program like PuTTY for example is necessary for access to the container.

  1. Establish an SSH connection to the container using a terminal program.

    • IP address:

    • Port: 22

    • Login: root

    • Password: root

login as: root
root@'s password:
Linux container1 4.4.41 #2 Thu Jan 12 11:18:38 CET 2017 armv7l
#                                                     #
#        Welcome to the Debian container!             #
#        --------------------------------             #
#                                                     #
#    Please change the root password now:             #
#        # passwd                                     #
#                                                     #
#    Read the introduction for the next steps:        #
#        # cat readme.txt                             #
#                                                     #

  1. Change the root password to protect access to the container:
    root@container1:~# passwd

  2. Read the file readme.txt in the container:
    root@container1:~# cat readme.txt

  3. [Optional] If required, configure the DNS server in the file resolv.conf in the /etc directory:
    root@container1:~# nano /etc/resolv.conf [4]
    Change the IP address in the "nameserver" command to the IP address of your DNS server for this. This is usually also the IP address of the router in the local network.

Testing the application in the container

After the connection to the container has been established successfully, the connection of the application in the container to the Internet can be checked.

  1. Check the WAN connection to the Internet by updating the Linux environment:
    root@container1:~# apt-get update

A standard Debian Linux distribution is now running in the container. Refer to the developer’s website or many other websites and projects around this distribution for further support and information.

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1. Standard IP address:; authentication depending on configuration; default for past firmware versions: User name: insys, Password: icom
2. The address used here has been selected as an example for a free address in this network and can be changed accordingly. It must be observed that no addresses from the DHCP address pool of the router are used if this acts as DHCP server.
3. The container will direct its WAN requests to the address specified here.
4. This is necessary if you need DNS and the IP address of the container is not in the network and the router does not have the IP address