Online Help icom Data Suite

Update packets

General Information

Update packets are used to exchange files with the icom Data Suite that are to be stored or executed in the icom Data Suite. Each update packet contains a manifest in form of a file; the entries in this file describe the data contained. The manifest and the files as uncompressed tar archive together form an update packet. The files can be profile or configuration files.

Already packed packets (those already contain a MANIFEST) can already be used for an update. If several update packets are to be combined in one packet, for example a profile packet and an ASCII configuration packet (as in below example), the individual packets must be unpacked first and then the contained files must be bundled together with the manifest to a combined update packet.


The manifest is a text file (ASCII or UTF-8 without BOM) with the file name "MANIFEST" (without file name extension, e.g. .txt). It contains sections that describe the files in the archive. Empty lines are ignored. Capitalization is not ignored. Each line must start with a keyword which is followed by the "=” character and the value. No blanks are permitted directly before and after the "=". A new section starts with the keyword "FILENAME". The manifest should always be the first file that is contained in the archive. Thus, an update packet does not have to be transmitted completely to be able to see what this archive contains. Keywords contained in the manifest are:

FILENAMEFile name of the file to be usedYes
FILETYPEFix text that describes the type of the fileYes
MD5SUMMD5 checksum for verifying the integrity of the fileYes
FILESIZEIndication of the file size in bytesNo
DESCRIPTIONFree text that describes the file to be usedNo
VERSIONA version designationNo

Possible entries for FILETYPE are:

icom Data Suite - Binary ConfigurationThe file is a profile in form of a binary file
icom Data Suite - ASCII ConfigurationThe file is an ASCII configuration that will immediately be executed and not stored upon uploading
icom Data Suite - Stored ASCII ConfigurationThe file is an ASCII configuration that will be stored and not executed upon uploading

Example of a manifest for a profile packet

FILETYPE=icom Data Suite - Binary Configuration
DESCRIPTION=Profile: 'Profile', created on 2016-05-20 12:42:40

Example of a manifest for an ASCII configuration packet

FILETYPE=icom Data Suite - ASCII Configuration

Example of a manifest for a packet with a profile and an ASCII configuration

FILETYPE=icom Data Suite - Binary Configuration
DESCRIPTION=Profile: 'Profile', created on 2016-05-20 12:42:40

FILETYPE=icom Data Suite - ASCII Configuration

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