Online Help icom Data Suite


The dashboard is a freely configurable overview page for your application. Various panes that may contain one or more widgets can be arranged freely on the dashboard. The widgets can indicate the values of the variables LOCATION, UPTIME, TIME, TIMESTAMP, DATE, SERIALNUMBER and PROFILEHASH as well as all previously entered data points of the application in various ways, like text, gauge, sparkline, indicator light or HTML-formatted for example.
Please note that the display of the application parameters in the dashboard may cause heavy data traffic and delays in display depending on the connection speed therefore.


The dashboard is opened in the Status menu under Dashboard.


The configuration is started with a click in the dashboard on the wrench symbol in the top center.

A new pane is added with a click on ADD PANE. Title and width of the pane are changed with a click on the wrench symbol in the title bar of the respective pane. A pane is deleted with a click on the recycle bin symbol in the title bar of the respective pane.

A new widget is added with a click on the plus symbol in the title bar of the respective pane. Then, the widget type must be selected and the respective settings are to be made. The value to be displayed is selected in the VALUE field by clicking on + DATASOURCE and icom Data Suite. Title and width of the widget are changed with a click on the wrench symbol in the title bar of the respective widget. A widget is deleted with a click on the recycle bin symbol in the title bar of the respective widget.

Saving the configuration

The dashboard configuration is saved on the router with a click on SAVE in the configuration section of the dashboard. If a reload is made before pressing SAVE, all previous changes made to the dashboard will be lost. The dashboard configuration is part of the profile of the icom Data Suite and is stored with it. It can also be copied to a text editor using Copy&Paste in the Administration menu on the Dashboard page of the icom Data Suite and stored on the computer.

Notes for using the dashboard

If the dashboards responds slowly or not at all on entries, this may be caused by the browser used. It is recommended to use an alternative browser then.

If changes do not appear in the dashboard, this can be caused by the browser which loads the dashboard page from its cache memory. We recommend to delete the browser cache or reload the page using function key F5 (for common browsers).

The HTML widget permits the display of content in HTML format. However, it is not possible here to access variables of the icom Data Suite.

All widgets permit the display of content in JavaScript. The script can easily be edited in the JS Editor of the widget configuration. This also permits computations of a data point of the icom Data Suite for example. The notation of the data points must be observed with this. The following script converts the value of timer Timer1 from seconds to minutes for example:
return (datasources["icom Data Suite"].Timer1 / 60);

The sparkline widget does not permit to display JavaScript content. Sparkline widgets added with JavaScript can neither be edited nor deleted afterwards. Only the complete pane containing the widget can be deleted. It is recommended as workaround to use the text widget with the function Include Sparkline for JavaScript content. It is also possible to add a text widget with the JavaScript content first and change the type of this widget to sparkline then.

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