INSYS icom

Product Description

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Purpose and Scope of this Document

This document serves as the product description of the service “icom Connectivity Suite – VPN”. This product description in force at the relevant time is allocated to the contract (INSYS number “CS-xxxxxx”) and so part of the contract.
Furthermore, all General Terms and Conditions of INSYS icom GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “INSYS”) on the Imprint in their latest version are effective for “icom Connectivity Suite – VPN” service, including, but not limited to:

Intended Purpose

The icom Connectivity Suite - VPN is a managed service that provides a central access point for secure remote access to machinery and equipment. OpenVPN-enabled routers, PCs and other devices connected to icom Connectivity Suite - VPN can communicate directly or across multiple networks. Neither a dedicated infrastructure nor IT specialists are required to set up a secure icom Connectivity Suite - VPN environment.

Billing and Payment

Monthly billing data will be formed at the 15th of each month: All services with costs within an account existing at the billing date will be charged. A licence with costs is indicated in the VPN Management Portal as follows (“Licences” menu):

  • Entry in the “Free” column is empty

  • Entry in the “Valid until” column is empty or contains a date

Separate billing data will be created per contract, the underlying billing modalities (e.g. payment method, payment cadence, payment terms) are identical across all contracts.


In order to be able to receive e-mail notifications,[1] the customer must ensure that e-mails from the sender address will not be filtered. Moreover, the customer must ensure that the data of the contact person stored in the VPN Management portal are always up to date.

Reference information about individual service updates are posted online at icom Connectivity Suite Release Notes.

icom Connectivity Suite – VPN

INSYS icom offers the icom Connectivity Suite – VPN with the following service components, features and functions.

Account type – Premium

The following services[2] are contained per account of the type “Premium”:

  • The use of the VPN Management Portal and Status Page

  • 2 free licences “VPN Flex or VPN Service”

  • max. 10 devices without licence

  • Parallel VPN connections are available

  • Worldwide device connectivity including devices located in China[2]

  • Excessive data traffic per month is subject to additional charges[3]

The following functionalities[2] of the icom Connectivity Suite – VPN can be used:

  • VPN connections between devices / PC clients via OpenVPN within an account

  • Monitoring

  • Web proxy with WebSocket protocol support

  • Group-based access control

  • Time-restricted access control

  • Two-factor authentication on the VPN Management Portal and VPN PC Client

  • VPN log files

Licence model

Available items by article number
Article number Article designation Unit


icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Management



icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Flex



icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Service (1 Year)



icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Service (2 Year)



icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Service Add-On (Month * Units)



icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Additional Instance (optional)


icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Management

The following functions are available in the VPN Management Portal:

Device management

  • List view of all managed devices

  • Adding and changing devices

  • Assigning devices to licences and groups

  • Downloading a list view of all managed devices

Licence management

  • List view of all managed licences

  • Releasing, providing and cancelling licences

  • Audit log for changes to licences

  • Downloading a list view of all licenses

Monitoring function management

  • List view of all monitored devices and monitoring rules

  • Adding and changing monitored devices and monitoring rules

Web proxy function management

  • List view of all web proxies

  • Adding and changing web proxies

  • Enable WebSocket protocol support

Group management

  • List view of all groups

  • Adding and changing groups including communication rules

Time-restricted access

  • Token-restricted access by a registered PC

  • Set allowable connection period using pre-defined start/end times or start time plus duration

Account management

  • Downloading VPN log files

  • Grouping of devices and licences in list views

  • User management with two-factor authentication

  • Automated mail notifications, e.g. for licence orders, changes to licences

  • Creating a support mail to the customer service

Service Status Page

  • Availability status of customer VPN account, VPN management portal and VPN server.

  • Overview of account availability for the last 7 days

  • Information about active incidents

  • Part of the comprehensive Service Level Agreement

icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Flex

Intended for use with INSYS OS Router devices, INSYS icom OS Router devices and PC-like devices and/or third-party devices. Includes one (1) licence which authorises the use of one (1) device. Licences are transferable, not bound to dedicated devices (e.g. independent of serial no.). Labelled ‘flexible’ in VPN Management Portal. Licence term (validity period) is one (1) month. Payment of full term due at the end of the validity period. Renewed automatically. Reference § Cancellation in this document for licence deactivation.

icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Service (1 Year)

Intended for use with INSYS OS Router devices, INSYS icom OS Router devices and PC-like devices and/or third-party devices. Includes one (1) licence which authorises the use of one (1) device. Licences are transferable, not bound to dedicated devices (e.g. independent of serial no.). Labelled ‘unrestricted’ in VPN Management Portal. Licence term (validity period) is twelve (12) months. Payment of full term due on delivery. Licences renewed before their expiration date may be reused. Licences deactivated with the expiration of the term cannot be used anymore. Reference § Cancellation in this document for licence deactivation.

icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Service (2 Year)

Intended for use with INSYS OS Router devices, INSYS icom OS Router devices and PC-like devices and/or third-party devices. Includes one (1) licence which authorises the use of one (1) device. Licences are transferable, not bound to dedicated devices (e.g. independent of serial no.). Labelled ‘unrestricted’ in VPN Management Portal. Licence term (validity period) is twenty-four (24) months. Payment of full term due on delivery. Licences renewed before their expiration date may be reused. Licences deactivated with the expiration of the term cannot be used anymore. Reference § Cancellation in this document for licence deactivation.

icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Service Add-On (Month * Units)

Intended for use with additional INSYS OS Router devices, INSYS icom OS Router devices and PC-like devices and/or third-party devices. Includes the licence quantity needed to authorise the use of the additional devices requested until the end of its term. Licences are transferable, not bound to dedicated devices (e.g. independent of serial no.). Labelled ‘unrestricted’ in VPN Management Portal. Licence term (validity period) is one (1) month. Purchase quantity (months x units) needed to extend from start date (as specified on order) until expiration of iCS – VPN Service item that accompanies the referred contract (CS-). Item cost computed as the product of number of billable months and number of devices[4]. Payment of full term due on delivery. Licences renewed before their expiration date may be reused. Licences deactivated with the expiration of the term cannot be used anymore. Reference § Cancellation in this document for licence deactivation.

icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Additional Instance (optional)

Availability limited to customers with paid licences of icom Connectivity Suite – VPN. In some cases, customers wish to register an additional icom Connectivity Suite – VPN instance under the ownership of a single company.

This item grants this setup through the proper creation of one (1) additional instance as follows:

  • Assignment of the additional instance to the existing customer (company) (proper naming convention)

  • Set a custom VPN IP address range to allow simultaneous connection to devices registered in different instances

  • Combined contract and billing of all paid licences in all instances registered to the initial company instance

Billing of this item occurs as a one-time, pre-paid setup fee. Country of origin: Germany. Unconfirmed items: The exact delivery date will be communicated to you.

Technical Support and Documentation

The purchase of icom Connectivity Suite – VPN grants the customer access to Standard Support. Additional Support information is available on our Support page or by sending an e-mail to The purchase of icom Connectivity Suite – VPN grants the user access to e-mail support for incidents related to Service Availability outside of the Standard Support hours. The technical documentation for the product icom Connectivity Suite – VPN that is effective at the relevant time can be found on the Documentation and Downloads page.


INSYS icom offers training and consulting to help customers get the most value from this product. Visit our Support page or send an e-mail to: to learn more about the training courses and consulting services available for this product.

Service Level Agreement

Service Availability

With regard to the chargeable service icom Connectivity Suite – VPN, INSYS assures each end customer an availability of 99.8% of these services per calendar year. The service is considered "available" if the VPN Management Portal accepts authorised login attempts AND the VPN Server accepts connections from compatible and correctly configured devices. Periods of unavailability as defined in § 6.2 General terms and conditions for the use of Online Services are excluded from this availability, unless this document expressly provides otherwise.

Exclusions - This Service Level Agreement does not apply to:

  1. INSYS Customers without a current contract (INSYS number “CS-xxxxxx”)[5]

  2. icom Connectivity Suite - Services within China as per § 6.4 General terms and conditions for the use of Online Services

Status Page and Notification

INSYS provides the service availability status of the VPN Management Portal and VPN Server for each customer account running on new icom Connectivity Suite – VPN infrastructure on the icom Connectivity Suite – Status Page. A direct link (URL) to the account Status Page is displayed within each user’s "My VPN Hub" tab when that account is running on new icom Connectivity Suite – VPN infrastructure. The direct link to the Status Page authenticates the account using the Instance ID and the default code displayed to the user on the "My VPN Hub" tab. INSYS recommends that its customers record their direct link, Instance ID, and default code offline for reference if the system becomes unavailable. To access the Status Page if icom Connectivity Suite - VPN does not accept authorised login attempts, visit the Status Page and manually enter the account’s Instance ID and default code. INSYS recommends first visiting the Status Page in case of a perceived interruption of the service before contacting Technical Support.

Regular Maintenance Window

The regular maintenance window for icom Connectivity Suite – VPN is between 06:00 and 09:00 AM CET/CEST every Tuesday. During this time, individual outages as well as impairments of the availability of the chargeable services due to maintenance, installation or conversion work coordinated with the user, as well as planned shutdowns or decommissioning coordinated with the user may occur during this time. However, INSYS reserves the right to conduct critical or urgently required maintenance work at times outside this maintenance window in order to react to unexpected service outages or threats to the legitimate interests of INSYS or its customers.

Incident Response Time

If an incident related to availability occurs, INSYS assures to notify affected customers of the incident resolution status within 2.5 hours of the customer’s initial notification. During an availability incident, INSYS reserves the right to display the incident resolution status exclusively on the Status Page as a notification to affected customers. In addition, INSYS may decide to send e-mail notifications to the contact person stored in the icom Connectivity Suite – Management Portal. Refer to § Notifications for more information.

Supported Client Versions

icom Connectivity Suite - VPN uses OpenVPN clients to build VPN connections to the central server. The minimum supported version is OpenVPN 2.4. INSYS routers running INSYS OS must use INSYS OS version 2.12.20 or higher. INSYS routers running icom OS must use icom OS version 3.0 or higher. Devices with older versions of OpenVPN may not be able to connect or may unexpectedly lose their connection and become unreachable. It is the responsibility of the customer to keep all devices connected to icom Connectivity Suite up-to-date with a supported OpenVPN version.



  1. Ensure functionality and availability of the service as agreed.

  2. Notification of incidents / responses on icom Connectivity Suite – Status Page.

  3. Report on availability interruptions lasting longer than 60 minutes.

  4. Incident reports can be requested by customers via e-mail to within 2 business days of incident resolution.

  5. Timely notification (at least one (1) business day in advance) of "critical maintenance" that falls outside the Regular Maintenance Window.


  1. An important prerequisite for the contractual functionality of icom Connectivity Suite – VPN is the use of only supported client versions for all devices connected to icom Connectivity Suite – VPN. It is the user’s responsibility to install the INSYS recommended client or firmware updates on its devices.

  2. Responsibility of the customer for the activation of the "Server for Automatic Updates: [@ICS] - INSYS Connectivity Service" on each connected INSYS router: An important prerequisite for the contractual functionality of icom Connectivity Suite – VPN is the activation of the server for automatic updates on all devices connected to the service. This enables the system to correctly (and automatically) apply all updates recommended by INSYS and related to icom Connectivity Suite – VPN on each connected device without delay.

  3. The customer is responsible for checking the availability of the service on the Status Page before contacting Technical Support.

  4. In case of an incident related to availability, any affected user should report the problem to INSYS in a timely manner and be reachable by INSYS Technical Support by e-mail and/or phone.


If the service does not achieve the promised availability of this Service Level Agreement, the customer has a special right of termination at the end of the respective month within four (4) weeks after determination of the deviation. Limitation: Customers who have problems accessing or connecting to icom Connectivity Suite - VPN while the Status Page reports that the account/service is available are subject to the specified Technical Support and Documentation provisions available for this product.

Ordering and Provisioning

First Order Provision

A registration with the VPN Management Portal is required before the first order of a product. Registration at creates an account.[6] Customers who already use the “icom Connectivity Suite – M2M SIM” may also use this account for VPN management.

Ordering of additional licences following the first order is made as self-service in the VPN Management Portal (“Licenses” menu > “Order Licences”) under specification of:

  • number of licences,

  • type of licences (e.g. VPN Flex (flexible), VPN Service (1 Year or 2 Year) (unrestricted)

  • contract number (CS-) as order reference number.

An e-mail will be sent by the VPN Management Portal to the contact data stored there as order confirmation.

Licence – VPN Flex

Each VPN Flex licence will be available activated within a working day upon order in the VPN Management Portal. An e-mail will be sent by the VPN Management Portal to the contact data stored there as delivery confirmation upon provision.

Licence – VPN Service (1 Year and 2 Year)

May be ordered anytime if at least one (1) icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Service item is valid on the contract. Must specify desired start date for proper cost accounting.

Licence – VPN Service Add-On

Ordering of Licence - VPN Service Add-On is not-available as self-service but may be ordered anytime if at least one (1) icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Service item is valid on the contract. Contact a relevant sales contact or e-mail for proper ordering and accounting of these licences.

Test Provision

The customer must register with the VPN Management Portal (self-service) which creates an account for test provisions.

Test provisions are possible for 30 days in the following licence models:

  • FLEX (account type Premium)

The following licences are available during the test provision:

  • 4 x icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Flex

Test provisions cannot be mixed with licences in productive use within one account in the VPN Management Portal. An e-mail will be sent by the VPN Management Portal to the contact data stored there in due to before and with the expiry of the test provision period.

Contact person

The respective sales contact of the customer or is to be contacted for the conversion of a test provision into a contract. In case of technical questions, the technical support of INSYS icom is available under


Licence – VPN Flex

The cancellation of a VPN Flex licence is made as self-service in the VPN Management Portal (“Licences” menu >> manage (gear) of the respective licence). The cancellation of a VPN Flex licence will become effective at the end of the month in which it was cancelled. The VPN Flex licence is deactivated when the cancellation takes effect and can no longer be used. An e-mail will be sent to the contact stored the VPN Management Portal upon licence deactivation.

Licence – VPN Service (1 Year and 2 Year and Add-On)

Pre-paid licenses (pre-payment 1 year, 2 year, or more) are neither cancellable nor refundable.


The cancellation of a contract[7] is done by sending an email to stating the cancellation date, the customer data, the account (by Instance ID) as well as the contract number (CS-). This contract can be cancelled within a period of one (1) month.


The cancellation of an account is done by specifying the cancellation date, the customer data and the account (by Instance ID). This action revokes a user’s authorisation to access the VPN Management Portal. Data associated with terminated accounts will be taken offline six (6) weeks after account termination and completely removed from the system after three (3) months.

1. This may concern messages generated automatically by the VPN Management Portal regarding licence ordering or provisioning, monitoring notifications and/or regarding maintenance work to the system.
2. Select services and functionalities require activation by the INSYS Customer Support Center.
3. INSYS reserves the right to charge additional fees for excessive data traffic or block connections that violate the terms and conditions of this service.
4. Example: A valid contract contains icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Service (1 Year) licences ordered on April 5th. On July 22nd of the same year, the customer wants to purchase additional licences to use three (3) more devices. An order of twenty-four (24) icom Connectivity Suite – VPN Service Add-On items will be placed to grant the customer use of the additional devices throughout the remaining eight (8) months of the accompanying VPN Service licences.
5. Contact INSYS Sales to learn how to upgrade your contract. Timing is subject to availability.
6. The number of accounts with only free licences is restricted to 1 per customer. Several contracts can be entered within one account; in this case, the minimal number of licences with costs per contract must be 10.
7. At the time of cancellation, all licences still in the contract will be deactivated by INSYS.