Pre-installed application - generating a controllable test signal using a counter
A flag is configured as a counter that will be incremented each seconds using an interval timer.
Adding the flags
Menu Data points → Flags
One flag for the counter and one flag for the running direction of the counter are added for this. Both flags are signed integers and their value persists a restart of the application.
Configuration of the incrementation
Menu Data points → Timer → edit Counter_Timer ()
A timer of the type Interval is added here, which expires (triggers) every second.
Menu Events → edit Counter_Count ()
An event is added here, which triggers an action with each expiry of the timer timer2 - Counter_Timer, which increments the value of data point flag3 - Counter by the value of data point flag4 - Counter_Direction.
Inputs of the router or MQTT messages can be used to change the running direction of the counter or reset it (see here for digital inputs and here for MQTT).